The SOS call from daughter#1, working away from home in Moray, caught me on the hop as His Lordship and I were out and about this morning.
She had had a call from the neighbour in the flat below her in Edinburgh to say there was water coming through the neighbour’s ceiling, apparently from my daughter’s flat, so could I possibly take my set of spare keys and find out the worst.

Rodger Bannister May have broken the 4 minute mile, but I am confident I have the record for the time taken getting from the Dower House to Holyrood by way of the Royal Mile against a contraflow of tourists and armies of language students.

Fearful of what was about to greet me as I opened my daughter’s door, I was relieved to see no puddles or trace of leaking pipes anywhere, but certainly the neighbour had a lot of water damage in 2 rooms. One possible explanation might be a leaking pipe, possibly from outside, under the floor but there was nothing obvious. A plumber has been summoned.

At least the 2 mile uphill return journey went with the flow of humanity emerging from the Parliament building, but much overtaking was required not to walk at the tourists’ snail’s pace.

I noticed these flats on my way home and thought them worthy of a blip.

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