The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Parent Trap

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Youngest Mini Princess is going on an S1 school trip in a couple of weeks. The trip is for 2 nights to an outdoor activity centre in Lockerbie. Tonight, there was an information evening for parents.

There was a useful presentation about the place, the activities, the kit the kids will need and the timings. This lasted 15 minutes. The teacher then asked if the parents had any questions.

30 minutes of mainly stupid questions later. OMG.

‘Will there be a wide and varied selection of food for the children to choose from?’

(Unlikely, it’s a chuffing school trip not a Michelin star restaurant tour)

‘Will you be organising a disco?’
(Not sure encouraging teenagers to get sweaty with each other is a winning idea).

‘It’s important for the children to stay hydrated. Are there facilities to wash out their water bottles as it will be VERY UNHYGIENIC for them just to refill the same bottle?’

(WTF? Are you joking? They are unlikely to brush their teeth for two days)

I don’t know how the teachers kept straight faces.


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