
By Angelique


These are the lovely flowers that my younger sister (Redflash) sent me.  Aren't they beautiful?

Feeling very sad today, despite the fact that the sun was shining,  Oscar coped brilliantly at the vets having his second injection.  We wanted to stay for another summer after surviving a very cold summer in this house.  But it is likely that the Landlord, who lives in Monte Carlo,  wants to replace us with someone who can pay more money.

We have looked after this house like our own.  Tended the garden, adding new plants and landscaping in some areas.  So it will be a huge wrench, not just for us but for Matthew and our other autistic son, Adrian.  So you understand my sadness.

We must try and enjoy every day whilst we're here and pray for a miracle.  We like this village.  Have been accepted and get involved so if we are meant to stay.........

There is a song, "Love hurts etc.".  I know this to be true.  Sorry this is a bit bleak but that's how I feel. Sending love to you all. xxxxx

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