Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In a life most ordinary

From the folds of my heavy Winter cover, with leaden lids and stone like slumber, silence denoted an even heavier fog outside than yesterday, like a boulder I fell out of bed.

The morning rituals born of habit and necessity past in a sleepy blur, dreamlike and unreal. Open the curtains......say hello to the magical misty world.

In sharp relief, the trees bedecked in their Autumn finery made to mock the dull sky, reds and golds against the grey. Here was another ordinary full and resplendent as any other. Time to get out in it.

On the bike...through the dips and hollows....silence and song....mist bewitching the eye and disturbing the soul. I have no God but the world around me, so wonderful, mysterious, beguiling and most definitely awesome.

After some time, just mooching about on the bike and humming contented nothings to myself, the coffee shop was calling. "The usual please"! iPad on and have a little look at Blip and see what everyone is doing.

I was Blown away by the response to yesterday's Blip, why??? Why was it so looked at?? Oh! I see.. 500 blips!!!!! goodness how it goes! I had not realised it had come around so quick!

To all that follow my little nonsense....thankyou for such a gift....this....this little window on my world.....a place for me to know....JUST BE!

You could pass me in the street and not know.....we are all that special.....all extraordinary, all remarkable for a life most ordinary!


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