First Cut

Day off today.

I had another physio appointment today. She still thinks its a frozen shoulder but I have now heard from the Shoulder Clinic in Haywards Heath for 2 weeks time so she didn't do much for me today except make it crunch more and make it hurt more. All in the space of 10 minutes. I'm glad I bought an hours parking!

Mr W decided to give the grass its first cut today. As you can tell from his face - he's really enjoying it!

Birthday ideas are starting to flow for the girls for 11 days time. I have no idea why I'm having such a block. I'm normally the present Queen but I guess as they grow older, it gets harder to know what to get them and I really need to try and refrain from buying 'housey things' for Daughter Number 2. Is an electric Alaskan Faux Throw 'housey' ?????

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