After the Rain
The sun came out :-)
The first garden daffodil. Almost open before last week's snow, now it stands tall and proud again. Well, tallish, it's a dwarf species really. This is one of several bought as Narcissus pseudonarcissus, the wild Lent Lily, sometimes seen naturalised in parts of the UK. It's happy growing in the grass here, slowly bulking up.
I seem to have completed quite a few of the jobs on my list today, so it has to count as a good one. Seeds from Gothenburg Botanic Garden planted, some rare and unusual bulbs among them. Achimenes, aka Hot Water Plants, all repotted too, a job which involves harvesting the new rhizomes before the replanting. And thanks to the wonders of the internet, Jamie's Blue Badge renewal was completed quickly and painlessly, including the uploading of all the relevant document copies. Paperless - Good!
Off now to assist with the latest bed assembly at the Grandparents. Hoping for a quicker and better outcome this time.
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