Family manager, cook, cleaning lady, laundress, shopping service, carer, nurse, teacher, chauffeur, gardener, pastor, ... and now craftswoman.
I'm just busy to paper 100 square meters. It's a special wallpaper. You can apply the glue directly at the wall and use the dry wallpaper.
It pervents a lot of mess, but still remains tricky. There is no "dubblecut" possible, but that's a detail. Seven windows to go. Horror!
When I'll finished this, I 'll have to paint the ceiling and the walls.
Than I'll have to renovate the parquet...
Than I've to create new furnitures...
Than... I'm sure I will not get bored :-)
I'm always smiling (hysterical) when I get asked what I do the whole day.
I'm only a housewoman....
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