Us and them

In the late evening I've gotten more and more annoyed about my slugish renovations, a hand that reacts painfully with the glue and an extreme  slowly  T. (  she acts always like a zombie, but  when  I'm in a  hurry, I can't stand this behaviour.)
One of my methodes to calm down is to hear loud musik with my oldfashion mp3 player. My favourite is "The dark side of the moon" from Pink Floyd. If I get deaf, than because of good musik  :-D
When I was searching something to blip, I listend to "Us and them"  with the fantastic saxophone solo. So I found my blip. 
Thanks to my Hanulli Steve to help me with the blip :-)
I papered until 2 am and than I rewarded myself with some strolling though blipland.  The best moment of the day....
Sorry for my lack of commenting. 
And thank you for your lovely comments, hearts and stars, they are really appreciated :-)

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