Le petit clown

I managed to get a picture of Dexter tonight in true Dexter fashion - he really is a clown! He finds it very funny to pull his t-shirt up over his head without taking it off, closing his eyes, sticking his tongue out and dancing around. Admittedly we find it very funny too, which only encourages him!

He is two and a half years old today and between the stubbornness and tantrums he is an absolute delight. He is outgoing and sociable and is starting to amaze us with his language skills. Just like his older sister (although probably not as good as she was at this age) he is starting to talk very well and can put three or four words together and repeats everything that we all say and I mean everything! He is now also able to distinguish between French and English and only talks in french at the creche and english at home, which up until a couple of months ago was a jumble of both languages.

He is obsessed with 'camions' (the only word in which we don't bother telling him the english version as it has been going on for so long I think it may upset him!).

He can count to three easily but then gets the numbers mixed up.

He insists on 'riding' his bike everyday to the car and then home from the car.

He is a terrible eater and I don't know what we would do without weetabix, fruit, yoghurts and bread.

He now sleeps in a 'big' bed and shares a room with his sister which they both love and is working better than we hoped for, although he can still be a little monkey at bedtime and it takes some coaxing to keep him in the bed.

He gets upset if he sees or hears other children crying and looks at me and says: "cuddle?"

All in all he is a fab little boy and despite the sleepless nights, grey hair and new wrinkles we wouldn't change him for the world!

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