Pouring Rain!!

'P' is for pouring! ;-)

I had quite a miserable day of totally no energy and nausea! Apparently the nausea will be slightly worse 'cause I can't have the cortisone again due to the allergic reaction last time. 2 done only 4 more to go!!!

My dear friend Wilna visited this afternoon and messaged my feet with lightly fragranced lotion, i was sooo relaxed when she left.

A few minutes later all hell broke loose outside! A fierce wind with a huge rainstorm! C&R sr's bedroom ceiling started dripping then we realised the wind has driven water into the tiled roof, we are still lucky because anothet house in te complex had a big part of it's tiled roof blown away! Our lovely silver oak tree next to the swimming pool was pulled right out the ground, the 2 R's had to cut the branches off to prevent further damage and the tree will have to be removed tomorrow! :-(

Wilna fetched her little Leo from Nursery School aftet leaving here and as soon as they were in the car it started raining. They had a nightmare trip back home, and she took this picture in front of her house when they arrived and sent if to me! Thanks Wilna, I appreciate all your loving support!


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