The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Why Do Squirrels Swim On Their Backs?

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

To keep their nuts dry!

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I remember that joke every time I see a squirrel.

I have had a day of eating! A group lunch to Dishoom to celebrate one of the guys at work having a baby. I was feeling slightly sorry for his wife. We should have sent home a doggy bag for her. What new Mum wouldn’t want a cold bag of leftover curry!

The food as always was delicious but I hadn’t thought through my plans for the rest of the day when I agreed to the lunch. I met Monkey Boy and The Disciple for dinner in Brewhemia. The conversation ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous with Monkey Boy and I doing our best donkey impressions at one point before The Disciple requested that we stop.

Monkey Boy has been ill recently with a chronic digestive problem. It was good to see him looking much better. He has made some dietary changes which have made a big difference. Thankfully, It hasn’t improved the tone of his chat. It’s still nuttier than squirrel poo.

I had a huge plate of fish and chips and felt slightly stuffed when I got home.


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