
By LadyPride

Baby rice and cranky

This is Audrey's 'about to cry' face. There was a lot of this today.

Think she's constantly tired at the moment as a result of waking constantly in the night. She couldn't seem to nap today to catch up either and has gone down unsettled and over-tired tonight as a result. Poor love.

We didn't have the best of days as we were both cranky as hell.

This morning's adventure with baby rice didn't seem to impress her too much either. It just sort of sat on her tongue until she spat it out and started crying. We'll try again tomorrow.

Had a 'checking in chat' with our sleep specialist who has reviewed the past week's feeds and sleeps log I've been keeping. She wants us to tweak things and start offering her two feeds in the night again - to eliminate hunger from Audrey's constant waking at a guess. I'll try anything right now. I'm desperate for some sleep.

What was that? What about the promise I made not to moan about Audrey's sleep on blip until something positive happened? Yeah well my positive cupboard is bare. I'm afraid I've only got negativity in stock. Waaaaahhhhh!!!!!!

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