No, that's no snow
Hanullis - they are tiny fools.
Because I'm addicted to them (I admit it), they are hanging around everywhere and I've to be very careful.
For example, these little kids used the toothpaste for a snowball fight :-)
I fear, that one day I'll swallow one...
Reminder #1: Never try a selfie with the mobile with help of the reflections of the bathroom mirrow. The light is useless.
Reminder #2: The current tag for Tiny People Sunday/week until 11th March is TiPS9. From Monday 12th March until Sunday 18th March it will be TiPS10.
Adventures of all sorts of tiny figures are welcome. Have fun! :-)
A day without papering (yeah!)
After some emergency housework, we went to a craftman for the parquet. I dont't dare to do it myself properly. Luckily he has time for it after one week. That means I've enough time for papering and paining. The challenging thing is, that the renovation will last 3 (three!) days. In that time we are not allowed to set a step on it. The only problem is, that we can't enter the kitchen in that time... New tasks to think about... :-)
We hurried further to some building centers for special curtain rods. We decided to try one, but I choose the wrong size. Bought more glue :-/
Further to the store for furnitures, where we've ordered our couch to take some measures and to check, if a colour, we wanted to add to out shelves, we have to create this weekend, will fit. It will not :-/
A most funny detail was, that the seller recognized me, when we entered the store - after almost 3 month and thousands of people visiting this giant store every day.
After shopping the food for the next days, J. picked up T. from her youthgroup. Than R. arrived for a spontaneous visit and a chat. He is getting so adult since he left home in autumn. :-)
I've no idea, what I did in the evening, (I was searching EmmyHazilands routine at the crufts, I've missed today) but I did't get a clear thought and went to bed early, so this is a backblip.
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