A year ago, well it was the 12th, we had our first proper Spring day and I set off on a walk where I heard my first Chiffchaff and saw my first bees and butterflies of the year.
Today's weather wasn't so promising, but there were a few sunny spell so I thought I'd follow the same route and see what was about.
I stood and listened for Chiffchaffs where I'd heard Chiffchaffs. No Chiffchaffs. I found the pussy willow where the bees and butterflies had been feasting. The willow was just starting to bloom (extras) but neither bees nor butterflies.
I did find Scarlet Elf Cups though (main image), where I'd seen them last year, and a few Lesser Celandine were in bloom in the nature reserve.
So spring is lagging, and the forecast for the week ahead doesn't promise an imminent arrival. I'll just have to be patient and wait a little longer for this year's first butterfly.
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