The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Five A Day

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Despite my pretend moaning about the Prince abandoning me for rugby, I actually LOVE that this means I don’t have any social plans (other than with The Mini Princesses and Murphy). The girls had a lot of homework to do and the weather was absolutely hideous. This happily coincided with the release of the second series of Jessica Jones so I adorned my most comfortable telly-watching clothes, prepared myself with vats of tea and chocolate and settled in for the afternoon snuggled up with a happy dog. Murphy thinks it’s great one of us is out as he gets a whole seat on the sofa (as it should rightly be in his opinion).

This photo is from yesterday as it was too torrential to get one today. We came back after the music exam to a very guilty looking Murphy. He had decided to help himself to banana (including most of the skin). He obviously doesn’t feel he’s getting a balanced diet. I expect he’ll be demanding superfood salads soon and complaining about the lack of pomegranate seeds with his chicken.


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