The blizzard begins

It’s not officially a blizzard yet, but it’s nasty with wind and lashing snow.

This is the view from the bedroom window, I’m posting early, still tucked under my warm comforter as the power could cut out at anytime. I may change the photo later, but the scene is dramatic from where I lie. We could get 20+ inches, it will last all day.

I’ll check in when I can if our power lasts, but here we go, nor’easter three.

For the Record,
This day came in with heavy snow and wind.

All hands nervously tucked in.

Extra...and so it begins, heavy wet snow now, I surely hope the temperature will drop and the snow will be lighter. At least 5 inches now at 10AM.  

9 inches now at noon. Sarah, Nora &David have no power in Plymouth.

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