Ruby, American Red Squirrel

She's been very busy since early morning and was most disgusted with me for interrupting her trip to the ground. Much chattering and hind foot thumping and stomping communicated her extreme distaste.

I've been working on a slide show presentation for next month's Hanover Garden Club 90th Anniversary Celebration. I'm the Garden Club historian and photographer. Five years ago I dug through the archives(suitcases!!) and made assembled a slide show for our 85th year celebration. I've used those archival informational slides again and updated the rest of the presentation. I think I've done the final tweaking today. After our upcoming international trip I'll meet with a fellow member who has a new projector and practice the connections before the late April presentation. 

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and warmer, but clouds have moved in now.

All hands busy.

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