Buried yet again....

Dear Diary,

I had to trudge through snow over my knees to go and clean off the satellite dish so I could post this photograph, well, this collage actually. Bruno, my gate keeper, is well dusted with a soft, fluffy snow and this is the view out my studio door. We got another 20 inches of the stuff. Despite the inconvenience of it all it is strikingly beautiful out and the snow is still coming down.

Matt will be over later to dig my out and clean off the roofs. Chris my plow guy has done the driveway once but it will have to be plowed again. I don’t remember a snowfall this heavy so late in the season, not for a long time.

The good news is the Conor Lamb has won the Pennsylvania congressional seat in an incredibly close election yesterday. This seat hasn’t been held by a Democrat in decades. Trump won it by 20 points in 2016 and it just shows the strength of the opposition to his vile administration and Republicans in general. There will be a blue wave for the Democrats in the mid-terms this November, some say it will be more like a tsunami, and once they control the house and senate again things will change...I can’t wait!

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