A Spot of Color in a White World

Dear Diary,

It took a lot of effort on the part of Matt, his wife Pamela and Chris to dig me out yesterday. Hopefully, there will be a bit of melting today but since it will be cold it will not happen as fast as one would want. But then things are seldom what we wish them to be and we must live in what is and what is for me right now is a world of white.

That’s why a visit from Mr. Cardinal is such a welcome sight. He adds a nice spot of color in my white world. There is still a stray flurry around this morning and the trees are completely covered in snow. It is quite lovely. The birds have been going through a lot of seed. I’ll be off today to get more and it will be nice to finally get out of the house.

I have discovered Google Books, a fast, easy and inexpensive way to print small books, 7 X 7 inches, of your photographs. I have been going through albums and making books lately. The quality is quite good, my first two arrived yesterday. It will keep me busy for awhile I think but it will be nice to have hard copies of photographs taken over the last 13 years. It is a good way to preserve the memories.

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