Old Boy's Get together

Today's collage shows four of the gang that assembled for a bit of a get together of the old Traffic teams. It was a good turn out & just for my info & so I don't forget the following were there:

Bernard P
Steve B
Steve E
Mike B
Ken M
Ian D
Dave L
Martin B
Dave C
Shaun P
& me

Oh what memories we did share and laugh about & what a good idea to get together after all this time. I even spoke to Ian D's wife on the phone who I haven't seen for donkey's years...We are not going to leave it so long next time and we may even make a weekend of it & go abroad with wives / partners.

I seemed to spend most of the day shopping - went to the usual supermarket to get a top up of essentials & then after lunch went to Tesco for a few extra bits.

Fine & mild day

Thanks for looking in and for leaving the scattering of stars & comments. I will catch up with you all tomorrow.
Night Night 

PS sorry you had to drive so far Ian - next time stay with us there is room !

PPS there is another shot in the extras..

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