Snowdrops, crocus and ......

...... daffodils !
Well that's not so inspiring! Yes it is if it's by the side of a main road and a river running by.
KJD and I are staying one night in Wilton outside Salisbury !! It is such a pretty place , I do wish I could walk in comfort!!
Tomorrow we are wending our way to Chard to see "C's" godfather and his wife. I haven't seen them for years , this will only be a fleeting visit as we have to get home on Saturday evening.
We are staying at The Pembroke Arms a 18th century Inn . Nicely appointed and comfortable, staff friendly , hoping to eat here tonight. During the 2nd WW this Inn was taken over as an Officer's Mess as much of the planning for D-Day was done at Wilton House which is just across the road .
We had a uneventful drive down here.

Grateful ..... for a chauffeur today.
A wonder around the outlet village resulted in me buying a pair of shoes!

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