Change of plan!!

Trip to Worcester cancelled. Woke about 4.30am (still China time) and decided to do some work on the computer. Half an hour later found that I had major difficulty standing up!! Lower back in spasm and pain down right leg....!*!*!*!

I've been back to bed twice for short periods, but spasms are so painful getting out again that I'm more comfortable sitting in the chair in my "office" (the spare bedroom). I'm using walking poles for support to do a few steps every half an hour to try not to seize up completely!!

Can only assume that this is a result of the long flight on Monday and hauling my case from T3 to the coach station!!

B has been an absolute godsend. The perfect nurse minus the apron!! (He has been well trained being married to me all these years and the experiences of his own back problems!!!)

Ps to me - be more sympathetic to B next time his back plays is !*!!*! painful.

I rang the GP surgery 3 hrs ago to speak to someone about getting something for the spasm and have just had a call back. B will go up to collect some tablets :0)

Hopefully I will be able to sleep all night and get out of bed in the morning without uttering .....obscene words!!

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