Coming Up Roses?

SWMBO and I had a real laugh this morning - the council sent a couple of blokes to pick up the pile of garden that the 'snow clearers' ripped up from one of our neighbours and then dumped outside another neighbour's house.
2 men and not a brain between them...... "abandon" the flatbed on the corner - with the only high side next to the stuff they had to pick up (some of which was moved one handful at a time). They didn't think to break up the bigger bits, which were obviously too heavy and left them knackered and unable to get it in properly.
They had also forgotten to bring a brush and spent ages scraping with shovels.
It really was funny to watch and just went to prove that the council really do seem to go out of their way to employ idiots.

The Cygnet was being a bit of a pain and throwing flakeys from when we picked the monsters up from school until we dropped Squirrel off at gymnastics. Then he was as good as gold. Probably because he was in company and wanting his usual cake and drink in the cafe.
It was in the cafe I took the pictures of the table decoration. I think I prefered the blush rose to the white one.

Since it is now officially the weekend I am going to have a couple of gins. 
Blackberry I think.

Chin, chin.

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