
By PlanW

A Little Piece of Toast

Dinner blip #900.   I've had mushrooms on toast three times this week.  Tonight, we went large and added chicken. Friday extravaganza.  It's my new favourite thing.  

What I've learned this week.  The toasting point of Brioche is two degrees above room temperature.  Too close to the toaster and you get fire.  It must be the sugar content or something, I'm no scientist.   

I'm about to watch Pilgrimage : The Road to Santiago.  I'd like to have a crack at it.  I think it might go to the top (or near the top) of my bucket list.  Not that I'm planning on kicking the bucket any time soon.  

Today was my last day at work for a few weeks.  Yesterday, my boss called and asked me when I was going "on holiday".  I said it's not my idea of a holiday and he started backtracking.  What a knob.  

In other news, it's back.

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