
They breakfasted out this morning and I went too. The Boss takes me everywhere so I had to put up with the fruit waffles with maple cream and bacon on the side that he downed interspersed with trips out the Cafe door directed by The Bossess who was facing out the window. He was facing The Bossess and totally distracted by her beauty which is his excuse for sorta not seeing this in detail. Well that’s his story anyway. 
It was a very nice day in Wellington and he celebrated this by studying his upgrade camera manual on line. The one you get with the camera tells you how to turn it on and he knew that already.  
Oh yes he got the OMD E5 II as you will see if you click below.
He does admit that to get this as good with the fruitphone he would have had to swim which is strictly banned and I hate getting my fur wet.
Wetter in large...


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