My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Secret world

A really great day. I took the train up to Cambridge and met with Mum and Dad for lunch. I been waiting for weeks to tell Mum where I'm taking her for her birthday and she decided that she wanted to know today, rather than waiting until we're at the airport. We're going to Marrakesh for five nights and she was over the moon. It was so nice to share the excitement of going away together and I can't wait to get there. A quick stroll around the market and then I visited Pete to get my hair cut and catch up on our shared interest of Blip. I then had another lovely walk around the city enjoying seeing the light change from day to evening as the mist began to move in again. I miss Cambridge and its secret student world that's hidden down alleys and behind closed doors. The constant dodging as bikes go whizzing past and the glimmers of the river as it quietly meanders along full of punts. I wish I didn't have to come back to London tonight but I've got work tomorrow and I'm sure more drama is waiting.

Free School Lane, Cambridge

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