Sunday Funday

We were gifted a beautiful morning today with mostly clear skies and compact powder.  

Mr JC had a long lesson this morning and so CC went skiing with the 'rents.  I wore her out after several runs with my insistent coaching (hands forward, look down the mountain, stand tall on the ball of your foot turn and catch, don't close the door keep your shoulders open down the mountain, and much more...), but we did have some fun where I let her ski some "off-piste" where there was a bit of a run connecting two slopes. The skiing was very easy with just a bit of moguls and loose snow, but she thought that was neat to say she had skied off-piste with dad.

I need some coaching from my ski instructor friends how to motivate my daughter.  She wants the easy rewards and bragging rights without the work.  I know the first answer already, just let her ski and have fun.  :) 

Mr JC's was excited and pulled me down to whisper in my ear, "my instructor let me makes jumps!" haha.  He had a friend with him yesterday and today and I am sure he was doing his best to impress her. :::)))

I had some fun myself after leaving CC with her mother and made some fast black runs with another couple.  Feel the thigh burn!  We tried to do some synchronized skiing for laughs, and don't think we are ready quite yet for the demo team.  ha.

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