
By zippyhippy

Sé inspirado or Ser inspirado

The best thing about going running or cycling is that it gives you an opportunity to think. You can escape into your own mind space and walk amongst the cloisters of you sub conscious. It's a bit like the shower, I often have my best ideas in the shower. Perhaps it has something to do with the sensory deprivation that putting your head under a stream of hot water brings.

Had an interesting conversation yesterday with a couple of friends with whom I have decided to enter a Notorious Night Run called "The Mighty Deerstalker" to be held in the Scottish Borders. We were contemplating team names and the name Ser Inspirado (to be inspired) was suggested. This got me thinking about the whole concept of what inspires us as human beings to better ourselves and try to bring meaning to our journey along life's rocky road and as a consequence what inspires me. What inspired this artist to go to a tunnel and paint this beautiful picture? The people that inspire me the most on a daily basis, out with my family, are the instructors who take the classes in which I participate. They turn up day after day and push people to their limits. They are enablers who make a real difference to people's lives. I have never met such a group of people who have so much love for their jobs.

Both my team members on this run inspire me in totally different ways. One has lost over 10 stones and has developed a real love for group exercise classes, this takes dedication and devotion. My other team member is a machine who never seems to stop - she runs, she pumps, she steps, she attacks, she spins all usually in the same day! This fills me a little bit with self doubt - will I keep up with them, will my lack of competitive spirit disadvantage them, am I strong enough mentally to see this through, am I as fit as them....................we will see!!!

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