Hanging On

A few of my tulips from my Mother's Day bouquet are still in bloom - they're coming to the end, but these one are particularly pretty.

I started with a sore throat today and feel like I'm coming down with a cold so I was glad to get home from work and haven't done much this evening. 

I did go to meet Ben & Anna at lunch time though for a hot chocolate which was nice.  Anna was our lodger the other month and they've now moved to Brighton and are staying in an AirBnB for two weeks, and were possibly going to be coming back to us for another couple of weeks, but they've been fortunate to find somewhere to move to from the 29th March.  Anna starts her job on 3rd April so that's great timing for them and means they're settled before she starts.  Ben now just has to find a job, but he's got more chance here than where they were living in Falmouth.

Anyway, fingers crossed this cold doesn't take hold as I'm driving North on Wednesday to see my girls as it's Violet's birthday tomorrow.

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