Al Seef

We were up and out early this morning and before going anywhere I had to go to the pharmacy as I appear to have lost my voice and my throat is very dry.  Anyway, I was given a syrup containing echinacea so hopefully this will do the trick.  

We then caught the metro to Al Jafillya as we wanted to go to The Frame which is in Zabeel Park.  This is the structure that I'd posted as an extra on Saturday that a few of you asked about. It's the biggest picture frame in the world standing at 492ft, and was still being built when we were here two years ago.  At the top there's a glass floor so you can look down on Dubai, and the views across Dubai are great, I've added an extra looking across Karama and Old Dubai.

From here we wandered back through the park to the metro station and caught the train to BurJuman as we wanted to visit Al Seef on the creek.  Al Seef is a development built in 2017 where old meets new combining a heritage area featuring old architecture, blending into a more contemporary area.  When we arrived, we stopped at the Arabic Tea Rooms for lunch and then strolled through Al Seef and we heard drums banging so went to see what was happening.  There was a film crew filming a woman dancing through the streets supported by an Emirati band.  I manged to get a couple of shots, and Alan asked who or what it was, and we were told that she's a very famous Lebanese singer who is as 'big' as Shakira.  Unfortunately we don't know her name, but I've added an extra of her.

We strolled through the Souk and I bartered on two 'Russian' style dolls for the girls, finally getting the price down from AED200 to AED75, so I was quite happy with my purchase.  We carried on along the creek looking at the Streets of the World photographic exhibition before catching the metro back to the hotel from BurJuman.  

Tonight we caught the metro back to BurJuman to meet up with Sherry and Geraldine as we were booked on a Dhow dinner cruise on the creek.   As the weather had been so warm today, I wore a dress and took a pashmina with me for later, however the temperature seemed to drop dramatically and it was very windy, so I felt very cold - probably a lot to do with the fact that I wasn't feeling very well too.  Despite this and the fact that I couldn't contribute much to the conversation, we enjoyed the meal, the food was excellent and there was so much variety.  After dinner some tables downstairs became available as people came up onto the top deck, so we moved and stayed down there for the return journey which was much better.

By the end of the night I was starting to feel quite tired and achy but S & G kindly offered to drive us back rather then having to get the metro, which was much appreciated. We said our farewells as we leave on Thursday so won't be seeing them again on this trip.    Thank you both for everything, it's been lovely spending time with you x

Apologies for the lack of comments and replies, I'll catch up soon!

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