The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Downward Dog

Dear O’h dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I had a very lovely walk with Murphy this morning. He made a new doggy friend, Denman and they were having such a lovely time playing that we spent our whole walk with Denman and his owner. Most of the time, I struggle with more than 5 minutes of small talk with strangers but Denman’s owner was easy company and it made for a pleasant walk. She told me about her PhD and I kept my chat about my job to a minimum! The dogs decided that Denman’s ball was inferior due to the lack of squeak so every time Denman’s owner threw the ball, the dogs completely ignored it and she had to go and fetch it which made us both laugh. Anytime Murphy got the ball and dropped it at my feet, Denman would sprint over, pick the ball up and drop it immediately as if to say ‘I touched it last’!

It is still really cold so I made a vat of lovely lentil soup when I got home. Eldest Mini Princess loves lentil soup. She says it is like having a hug from the inside out. I like that the soup I make gives her that feeling.

The Prince was late home this evening as he went to his first ever Yoga class. He came home looking very red and sweaty. It came as a surprise that it was so difficult. We may have mocked him as he is doing ‘Hot’ Yoga although I suspect that 90 mins of yoga in a room heated to 35 degrees is a lot less funny than it sounds. Who knows? Maybe he’ll turn into Bendy Man!


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