The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Are Ewe Mad?

Dear O'H dear,

Jenny and I decided to go to Flotterstone and walk from there today. Jenny loves being outdoors (even more than me) and particularly loves a hill so we headed up Scald Law. We had just articulated that we were in our happy place when Murphy decided that playing chase with sheep in lambing season was a great idea and wouldn’t come back from his new cloud shaped friends. I suspect he wanted to get to the source of the maltesers he had been happily nibbling on.

Luckily for all of us, it was short lived and there wasn’t a farmer around but we made a hasty descent and went into The Flotterstone Inn for lunch. Murphy was VERY pleased because the lady who took our order gave him biscuits although he was less impressed by having to watch us have lunch.

We had a lovely afternoon watching* Strike. It always feels very decadent to be watching tv during the day so it felt like a proper holiday day. Jenny insisted on making dinner (she’s a brilliant cook) so I felt very spoiled. I have told her that she has to stay and be my wife. But no nagging mind.


* I may have napped

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