
By stellarossa

Geneva at Night

Leaving Heathrow at dawn in the mist and rain, arriving in Geneva 24 degrees and blue skies, lovely. It's been a very enjoyable couple of days both professionally and personally. There were 15 of us from a range of countries and organisations and together we wrote a new version of a handbook drafting text as it was projected on a screen in the middle of the room. There were interesting debates about content, language and style, but amazingly it worked and was interesting and fun too.

In the evening we went for a meal in the Old City of Geneva. 'Just walk uphill, turn left at the cannons, you can't go wrong ' were our directions. But of course we did go wrong, however our rather longer route took us past this square where giant chess games were being played by what appeared to be an exclusively male group. As I was travelling light it's just an iPhone snap, but despite the poor quality, it does capture the atmosphere.

This was also an exercise in 'juggling mum' as I surreptitiously rearranged after school activities by text during the breaks and ordered an online pizza delivery for the boys' dinner whilst they waited for me to make it back despite fog-stricken airport delays. Virtual parenting at its best!

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