
I popped out this morning so I could get a decent shot of the bright blue skies that are gracing us with their presence. I went to the supermarket 1st and picked up a few bits then on to Marsh Lane Stoke Mandeville where the contentious (to say the least) H(igh) S(peed) 2 Railway line will cut the countryside in half. It will not be beneficial to us in Buckinghamshire  as their will be no stops between London & Birmingham. It will just turn out to be a big white elephant zooming past at 200 mph.

The original purpose of getting blue sky pictures didn't happen in the main shot as I was shooting (almost) into the sun but I've put in a couple of extras showing our green & pleasant land.

C has been busy cooking today.

Tonight I am popping to Mum's to see Sis who on a flying visit to the UK for Chris, her father-in-law's funeral. 

A bright sunny day almost shirt sleeve weather & it was interesting to see that there is still snow on the Chiltern Hills.

As always thanks very much for your kind comments & scattering of stars & hearts.

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