Essex Bridge

I couldn’t believe our luck - another bright day.

I headed for Shugborough Hall. It’s the perfect place for an interesting walk, and since the National Trust took it back from the local council it’s free. (I make the most of my annual membership)

A touch chilly at first but it was lovely heading right across to the Essex Bridge. There can be few better places to watch the world go by. I perch in one of the bays and just wait....watching the ducks chasing, taking off, and skimming the water. No sign of the heron or the kingfisher this morning.

For the first time for about two years I walked right back to the car park. The golf course style buggy was there to ferry the weary, but I had no need of it, and the light was constantly changing.

On the way home I took a slight detour to buy some delicious sausages from the Great Haywood Canalside Farm Shop. A thoroughly nice Wednesday.

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