Back to Calke Abbey

No snow forecast. Less probability of rain (though I did manage to get caught in a shower). A day when I didn’t have to rush home.

So I chose to drive up to one of my favourite places to walk and explore - Calke Abbey. Well, there is always the bird hide if it gets torrential.

It was quiet. Gardeners were out in force and everywhere was so neat and ready for Spring when it does eventually arrive.

The church was locked. As I stood overlooking the reservoir, you could see the dark clouds and the patches of blue. Drizzle. A ray or two of sunlight. But mostly grey.

Down by the Grotto, the deer were resting. Only a few still had their antlers. It was lovely to see them.

After a good walk, I decided to swap my light compact LUMIX for the Canon. I’d parked close to the hide.

I was richly rewarded. The woodpecker arrived (extra - I blipped him on my last visit but this is a better photo)

I’ve always loved long tailed tits, and nuthatches... all there. Even a group of lovely well-behaved Derbyshire border collies....

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