St Nazaire

Feeling surprisingly ok I arrived at Falmouth Cemetery at 0940 in shirt and blazer to find it surprisingly cold (should have checked forecast!), for the first part of the day.
Heading for the main parade I called in for a weatherproof jacket. Into the Council Chambers where our branch of the Royal British Legion presented the Town Council with a cheque for £2,000 to kick start the War Memorial Improvement Fund.
The St Nazaire parade passed off ok and as it finished my mobile rang calling me into work.
A quick fifteen minutes to fix a “switch on/switch off” problem gave me the opportunity to catch up with an old friend, Ian, and his partner Elaine having managed to catch sight of him via the high window.
A few beers in the Watersports Centre together before moving to the Wayerfront for a couple more.
Home for a roast dinner with the promise of a catch up later this week.

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