Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie goes shopping


The extra tick because I doubled my efforts - 20 minutes on the low bike, then 20 minutes on the cross trainer. I have realised that the low bike is much harder than the high bike (which I have at home), so it must be doing me more good. It nearly killed me, but I did about 5.5kms altogether. Must be worth a couple of choccie biccies.

Our visitors left this morning, back to slightly warmer (but not much at the mo) climes down south. Archie was just beginning to get used to them, and didn’t stare at them quite so much.

Yesterday, JR had seen a coat in town she quite fancied, but needed to have another look. It was in an outdoor-sy shop, which is now 'dog friendly', and so Archie and I went into town as well. On second viewing (and with my tuppence worth) she decided not to buy the coat. But guess what - I bought a pair of walking shoes with a sturdy sole. Hadn’t meant to...

Archie and I then came home, while JR continued browsing. We came home because Kirsten, an erstwhile walker, had texted that she had some spare time, so she was taking him out this afternoon. She hasn’t been for ages because her studies have been getting in the way. They went up Blackford Hill. (Photo by Kirsten). But mainly came home because an hour round shops, without the promise of lunch, is about my limit.

JR did manage to find something to her liking in town, so we all had a successful day.

It's a bit quiet round here this evening without our visitors...

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