Life with Alice

By elirin

Snow Again

It will have to be another “me in the snow” picture because that’s what we’ve got. It was a happy and sunny walk, not too cold, with lots of poodle pandemonium. Nah, just kidding, I wanted the alliteration. But I did have a good time. Mum found a new hide and seek tree!

Later, mum made a grave mistake when she went grocery shopping at the Maxi supermarket even though she knew that Tuesdays are pensioners’ Tuesdays. She came back exhausted. It’s always crowded and chaotic. Mum! Remember this next time!

The Waffle Day approaches. It’s on Annunciation Day, which is this weekend. We ALWAYS make waffles on Waffle Day. I am slightly concerned this year because of the stupid diet. Crossing my paws and hoping for the best...

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