Jimmy, Finn, Yasmin and I

By Caronie

5 months old today

I can't believe Finn is 5 months already. I wish I could slow time down and add a few more hours into each day to spend with him.
Mind you today was a little testing as he had a cold so was grizzly and snotty for most of it. Oh and now just as I write this projectile vomiting over daddy. Poor Pip and poor daddy!

At five months his little personality is really coming out now. He is a sweet boy most of the time who needs reassurance in new situations. But he also likes to do things on his own like feeding himself and can get fraustrated when he can't do things he wants to do like talk. He is wonderfully animated and you can often catch him frowning trying to work out what is going on, usually what his silly mummy and daddy are up to. He is very active and he loves kicking his legs wildly still just like he did the first day he was born.

I can't wait to see how he develops and changes over the next 5 months and beyond. Being a parent was well worth the wait and I treasure every moment. I feel truly blessed.

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