Jimmy, Finn, Yasmin and I

By Caronie

Skyfall and projectile vomit

Well, where do I start? Great things today include going to the big scream to watch Bond. Was awesome! Loved the cheese and the stunts. Shame Finn missed a piccie with Grace and Cam. Also my stomach is returning to some sort of normality and have the all clear to go back to the gym. I can't tell you how good that feels after pretty much a year and a half of not being allowed.
Bad things today include Poor Finlay still being ill and projectile vomiting before we were supposed to leave the house and not to be outdone I also projectiled in my car and on the road on the way home. Then when I got home! Word of caution, don't get a salad from Waitrose salad bar it does bad things to your insides!

Needless to say we are both wrapped up in bed while Jimmy plays nurse. What a great man I have. Love you lots xxx

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