Peaches, Prunes, Peanuts & Peppermint

'P' is for Planning!! ;-)

Yip, planning to sidestep the side effects! Hiehiehie. Sometimes chewing a Prune or dried Peach assists the bowel, nibbling a salted Peanut or other nuts prevents the burning feeling in the tummy and finally the Peppermint gum helps to cope with the nauseating sweet taste in the mouth!! See, I am much more informed this second time around!!

I really cope much better than the first time! I have stopped taking my blood pressure pills because it drops tremendously in any case, and with taking the tablets as well, my pressure fell dangerously low after the first chemo which left me even weaker! I also rested more from day one, which is a good thing too!

Please keep fingers crossed this will last right through tomorrow as well!! Tomorrow I turn 65!! Woohoo!!


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