Eleanors photos

By Eleanoragain

What is a cat to do........preferably nothing

followed by more nothing, interspersed with a bit of food

Its been getting chilly, and our heating boiler has finally been fixed by Matt the plumber. It took 4 days for all the spares to arrive, but should be OK. Just in time - its been quite warm here.

Fluffy cat is getting freaked out by fireworks tonight - shoots outside at first hint of a bang. Why out and not in I don't know. This one in the pic today just opens half an eye, turns round and goes back to sleep...or food...whichever is uppermost at that moment.

Tomorrow I'm off up North (where it's tough) to see good freind for weekend. Must take extra layers - living down south has turned me nesh..

Wont be doing any blips, but lots of backwards ones when I get home again...
Have a good weekend y'all..

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