Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Friday night

Rock n roll...for frog nerds! Friday night spent freezing our bahookies off in a boggy moss in South Aberdeenshire in the pitch dark with head torches and Scotland's dragonfly officer surveying for frogs, newts, spawn and anything else kicking back in the muddy pools. Admitedly, about 90 minutes in I started to get distracted thinking of warm pjs, duvets, cups of tea, sofas, gin, crisps, being warm. But other than that moment of borderline hypothermia we saw enough spawn to decorate a fifth element movie costume and a few newts and frogs. Sam was in his element torch searching and netting. And plenty thoughts for advanced biology survey techniques for next year for him. On the way home we picked up some wildlife..a squiffy Dave eating a mingin' kebab after his night out ...and deposited him at home on the sofa. I had had too much frog and muddy pools excitement trying not to lose my wellies in the supersuction mud so off to bed for me. Rock and......snoooooze.

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