Skip's Blips

By Skip

Meal prep!

Today has been a beautiful day, unusually warm for late October. The current temperature (according to my phone) is 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Now that is really a little too warm, but I'm not complaining. It was great weather for my walk in the park this morning.

I came home from the park with lots of pictures, but wasn't happy with most of them, and ended up deleting a lot. Of the seven (yep, only seven) that I labelled keepers, this one of the chickadee was my favorite. It is fun to watch them. After they pick up a seed, they fly to a nearby branch. Holding the seed between their feet, they peck away at it until it opens and they can extract the meat inside. At least that is my understanding of the process. It sounds like a lot of work for a tiny amount of food. No wonder the little birds are always on the go!

Cooler weather is coming, and rain too apparently. We shall see.

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