I see Ewe!

Work (on a Sunday!!!) took Mr W and myself to Bocketts Farm in Bookham today. We only had a few hours so I made the most of a few Animal Selfies and tried hard to watch a lamb being born! There were 2 barns where they were lambing but we kept ending up in the wrong barn each time they popped out. 

Mr W really shouldnt have been there as he had been up all night with his daughter in hospital. She saw an out of hours Doctor yesterday at 10pm and ended up in A&E with Flu, a chest infection and eyes so swollen she couldn't see. Mr W was worried about sepsis but the Doctor reassured him that they were keeping a close eye on her. He didn't get in until 6am this morning. His ex wife also accidentally called me instead of Alex at midnight and when I said "who is this", she shouted "its me you Muppet, your mother!" I told her I haven't spoken to my mother for 25 years but wouldn't have put it past her to call me that down the phone!!!

Mr W has gone to see her again this afternoon and hopefully he will be reassured that she's feeling much better. 

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