The Nutters on Mummy Monday

Mr W's daughter is still very poorly in hospital with the flu and secondary infections. He is very worried about her and spent the morning with her as she doesn't like being alone. But then he comes home all emotional as its also bringing back memories of when I was there with Sepsis. He needs lots of encouragement that she's going to be ok but gets ratty if I reassure him as he takes it as me playing down her illness. Can't really win!! 

I sorted out a Solicitor to come and certify my passport today and spoke about Wills. I may get her back as neither Mr W or I have made a Will. Its too scary!

I then had a treatment on my shoulder. The ultra sound has really helped this evening and she recommends having the steroid injection so I have made an appointment for that to be done on in April.

My girls then came for dinner. We had a good old catch up, watched One Born every Minute and Daughter Number Googled the cost of a sperm donor!!! I made cheats Muffins for pudding and helped Daughter Number 2 put oil in her car. 

This parent lark can be hard bloody work!


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