
The light this afternoon on the beech hedge was beautiful.  I love the way it hangs onto its leaves until all the new green ones are ready and then the bronze ones disappear.  I wonder where they go?

We have had a bit of a day today with Mom and Dad.  Mom seems to be losing her mobility, her appetite and also her ability to swallow.  She also seems to be producing a lot of saliva.  Makes lunch time a bit of an adventure.

I tried talking to Dad about his car and his driving - many thanks for all your comments an advice about this yesterday.  I am worried about his eye sight - he has had tests for glaucoma in the past and was told it was ok.  I don't think he has cataracts...  He wasn't wearing his hearing aids when the post scraped along the side of the car so the first he knew of it was when the wing mirror was smashed and broken off.  I have to phone his insurance company tomorrow...

Meanwhile, he has a plan.  He is going to phone some scrapyards tomorrow to see if he can get a second hand wing mirror so he can carry on driving the car...

I'm going to play the waiting game on that one for now...

I'm liking these lighter evenings - lovely red sky outside at the moment.

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