A red pen day

6 hours to mark one class set of work.
Spellings. Grammar. Targets.

To be fair, 2 hours was spent deciphering. Dyslexia causes students to construct words in what appears to be weird and wonderful ways. However, if I look hard, I see the patterns that the student uses, which then allows me to decipher what they have written. It IS time consuming, but when a student has worked really hard and written a full page of answers, it seems unfair not to mark it because I can't initially read it. The problem then is the thorny issue of spelling, because I could end up rewriting the whole page. Another balancing act!

Generally speaking, I am pleased with what my Year 7 students did in my absence.

Tomorrow I will find out how my year 8 group did, when I tackle their work. That won't be such an epic mountain to climb. Also, I have done some of the leg work this evening so I am ready to rock and roll as soon as I get up.

Then I did a spreadsheet.

Tomorrow I will have to do 12 more copies of the spreadsheet and populate each one with data. Woohoo!

Hence, rubbish blip as I didn't realise it was nearly midnight.

Time for bed and a bit of a read of my book.

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