
Me in my Panda hat.
James has a leopard one.
They are very silly.

Other things that are ridiculous.
1. Phoning the dentist to cancel an appointment and being told that "if you do it again, you'll be struck off"
2. Trying to reschedule aforementioned appointment and being told that I have to wait 6 weeks.
3. Having to schedule my work for the week in my diary and finding that even if I do about 5 hours a day, I'll be working every day this week.
4. My son's understanding of how work affects me...

"Mum, why do we have half term"
"So that idiots like me have time to catch up on all of the work that they don't have the time to do during term time"
"That seems a bit unfair. Wouldn't it be better to have a job where you can come home of an evening and a weekend and not have to work?"
"I think when I am older, I would rather have fewer holidays but know that my free time is definitely mine"
"Hmmm, yeah, that would be nice"

It makes me want to cry. To do this job properly, you have to put the hours in, over and above what should be considered normal. You can imagine then that it is somewhat galling to have people say, with a certain amount of vitriol, "Are you enjoying your half term then?" and "you teachers have it easy"....two comments I have heard in the past week...

In answer, with equal vitriol
No, so far I am not enjoying my half term particularly, after working 8 hours today and yeah, right, we teachers have it really bloody easy.

Those who don't teach, should try it for a term....then make your ridiculous comments.

Merci et bonsoir.

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